Discover the missing vitamins your body desperately needs.
Rethink aging. Reimagine life.

“What Can Dr. Aardsma’s Vitamins Do for Me?”
Informative 6 minute video
Aging is the leading cause of suffering and death in our world today. Dr. Aardsma’s Anti-Aging Vitamins enable the body to fight and repair the damage of aging at the cellular level. The dropper bottle contains two newly discovered vitamins which are not the same as the traditional vitamins or any other supplement available today.
Both of these newly discovered vitamins are patented by the U.S. Patent Office as:
1) “a method for treating aging and/or improving health in a human” and
Essential Nutrients
Lost from earth's environment thousands of years ago, these vitamins are nutrients your body needs and is not getting from any other source.
Your body can only be as healthy as the cells it is made of. One of the vitamins in the bottle, MePiA, is the key antioxidant your cells need to prevent free radical damage to your mitochondria.
Quick & Easy
Dr. Aardsma's vitamins are liquid drops. Simply drop the recommended amount in your drinking water each day.
Read Dr. Aardsma’s story of unexpected healing after discovering the first vitamin.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Aardsma’s Anti-Aging Vitamins is a dietary supplement specifically designed to treat, cure (to the extent possible), and prevent the human aging syndrome.
** A testimonial is representative of one person’s experience. Testimonials from many individuals demonstrate the possible benefits of Dr. Aardsma’s Anti-Aging Vitamins to both physical and mental health.No clinical studies are yet available to confirm the recurrent nature of these benefits.

Dr. Aardsma’s Anti-Aging Vitamins: emerging science with big implications for your health right now.
These are the first vitamins to be discovered since B12 in 1947. *

Send us an email at or call us at 217-803-0212.
For more testimonials and extensive background information on the discovery of the anti-aging vitamins, please visit Dr. Aardsma’s research website.