“What Can Dr. Aardsma’s Vitamins Do for Me?” – Watch this informative 6 minute video!

About Dr. Aardsma

Dr. Gerald E. Aardsma obtained B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in physics from the University of Guelph in 1978 and 1979 respectively, and a Ph.D. in nuclear physics from the University of Toronto in 1984. During his Ph.D. studies, and subsequently as an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Aardsma worked in the newly founded field of accelerator mass spectrometry, a field which is now widely employed for radiocarbon and other rare-isotope dating methods.

Physical dating methods such as radiocarbon play an important role in the construction of historical chronologies. Dr. Aardsma’s background in physics, and his specialization in radioisotopic dating methods provide him with the tools needed to critically evaluate secular dates and their relationship to biblical chronology.

Dr. Aardsma is not only a physicist and a chronologist, he is also a conservative Christian. His research reflects a high view of both the scientific and the biblical data bearing on any question.

Dr. Aardsma has presented his work on biblical chronology at both scientific and theological conferences. (See for example: Near East Chronology: Archaeology and Environment. Radiocarbon, Vol 43, No. 3, 2001, p 1247–1254 Proceedings of the 17th International 14C Conference, edited by H J Bruins, I Carmi, and E Boaretto.)

In his youth, Dr. Aardsma began to probe the mystery of why human life spans are so much shorter today than they were in the early chapters of the book of Genesis. Following decades of research, Dr. Aardsma proposed the radically new scientific theory that human aging, as we know it today, is simply a nutritional deficiency disease of a previously unknown vitamin.  
After many more years of research, he proposed that methylphosphonic acid (MePA) is the unknown vitamin, totally missing from modern diets. Dr. Aardsma went on to construct a mathematical model of his theory which was able to explain the Genesis super-longevity data scientifically and in detail. Though research into this new vitamin continues, its discovery is now being made public following extensive initial testing.
Four years after the discovery of Vitamin MePA, a second, closely-related vitamin was discovered. Vitamin MePiA (methylphosphinic acid) came to light unexpectedly, through tests being done in the ARP lab. These two vitamins are now packaged together as Dr. Aardsma’s Anti-Aging Vitamins.
Research about the vitamin discoveries is ongoing. Dr. Aardsma’s theory of aging continues to be revised and refined, as is expected with emerging science. 
Although this website is dedicated to the discovery of the previously unknown anti-aging vitamins alone, Dr. Aardsma’s work is far more extensive. Please visit Dr. Aardsma’s website to learn more about his education, published works, research into biblical history, and discoveries in the field of biblical chronologyDr. Aardsma’s background in physics, and his specialization in radioisotopic dating methods provide him with the tools needed to critically evaluate secular dates and their relationship to biblical chronology.
Some key points of his other research include the historicity of the Exodus and Noah’s Flood. Much of Dr. Aardsma’s other work was foundational to the discovery of the anti-aging vitamins.

Dr. Aardsma's Research Website


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For more extensive information about these two new vitamins, please contact one of our Customer Care Specialists by using either the site chat feature or contact page. Detailed information and extensive testimonials are also available at our vitamins discovery and info website, AgingCauseandCure.com.

“I had been dealing with severe gastritis and GERD for over a year since my son was born. It was so bad that I would need to lie down in bed with a heating pad every day to relieve the pain... Then I heard about the vitamins and began taking them daily! I didn’t see a lot of progress at first, but a few months later I realized that I had just experienced a 3 day stretch of no symptoms for the first time! Then it turned into a full week, and then even longer!” *
age 36

*A testimonial is representative of one person’s experience. Testimonials from many individuals demonstrate the possible benefits of Dr. Aardsma’s Anti-Aging Vitamins to both physical and mental health. No clinical studies are yet available to confirm the recurrent nature of these benefits.