“What Can Dr. Aardsma’s Vitamins Do for Me?” – Watch this informative 6 minute video!
About the Vitamins
- Two new vitamins have recently been discovered by Dr. Gerald Aardsma.
- Like all of the previously known vitamins, they appear to be necessary for optimal health and well being.
- The vitamin drops are supplemented to your diet by adding a few drops to your drinking water each day.
- Ongoing research continues to reveal the extreme importance of daily supplementation of these vitamins in the human diet.
- There is no known natural source of these vitamins today. They were depleted from the earth’s environment thousands of years ago, following Noah’s Flood.
Speak with a Customer Care Specialist
For more extensive information about these two new vitamins, please contact one of our Customer Care Specialists by using either the site chat feature or contact page. Detailed information and extensive testimonials are also available at our vitamins discovery and info website, AgingCauseandCure.com.

“I had been dealing with severe gastritis and GERD for over a year since my son was born. It was so bad that I would need to lie down in bed with a heating pad every day to relieve the pain... Then I heard about the vitamins and began taking them daily! I didn’t see a lot of progress at first, but a few months later I realized that I had just experienced a 3 day stretch of no symptoms for the first time! Then it turned into a full week, and then even longer!” *

age 36
*A testimonial is representative of one person’s experience. Testimonials from many individuals demonstrate the possible benefits of Dr. Aardsma’s Anti-Aging Vitamins to both physical and mental health.No clinical studies are yet available to confirm the recurrent nature of these benefits.